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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Herb Crusted Pork Loin (or Tenderloin)

Let's face it, it's HOT outside. At least it is in my neck of the woods. The temps have been 110+ for weeks. When it's this hot who wants to cook? But you gotta eat and you don't want to keep spending money on meals out. This recipe, Herb Crusted Pork Tenderloin, is a good quick recipe. Although your oven is turned up high, you don't have to stay in the kitchen with it. (it's that easy!)

To make your kitchen time easier (and cooler!), pair this with a nice side salad or quick microwave steam veggies. (We have to have our veggies!)

At any rate, try this tasty recipe. By the way, it's another Paula Deen recipe. She's fast becoming one of my culinary heroes. (Butter really does make it better!)

Live well, eat well, enjoy...

Cyn aka Fine Mama